Audio Feedback


Thank you for those who have downloaded the full demo so far. You are awesome! I also greatly appreciate the feedback.

### FEEDBACK ###

A common occurrence with the feedback given was about the audio, specifically referring to both the Jump and Coin Collection sound. This has been resolved and the patch has been uploaded.


For the Main Menu, a soundtrack has been provided. While I was able to find wonderful "adventure" music for the game-play itself, I need to create larger worlds in order to create the best atmosphere possible. In addition to expanding each level, I'm working on figuring out how to continuously loop a track so it doesn't start over when entering a new area in the level.


Some of you have reported scaling issues. I understand the window screen can be different due to one persons monitor/display size as compared to others. I'm actively working to resolve the interface concerns.

That's it for now!

I greatly appreciate your feedback! Your feedback allows me to fix what I did not find before or allows me to become a better Godot 3 Game Developer.


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